Your Travel Clinic in Upper Holloway

Are you beginning to think about your gap year? Or are you planning on a sunny getaway after lockdown? Whether you are planning on exploring the Amazon jungle or wanting to kick your feet back and enjoy the Australian sunshine, Arkle Pharmacy Travel Clinic is here for you!

Are travel vaccinations important?

When travelling to countries you have previously not visited, you may not be protected from various pathogens that can lead to various infections and illnesses such as Malaria or Yellow Fever which will lead to illness.

Vaccinations are there to prevent this. It is vital that your body builds up a strong level of immunity before you travel to maintain your health and safety, allowing you to enjoy your trip.

travel clinic Upper Holloway

Do vaccines really keep you safe abroad?

Travel vaccines work in almost the same way for every vaccine. There are many different types of vaccines that you will need depending on where you decide to travel that provide immunity against a variety of diseases.

They work by you being injected with a solution that copies the invading pathogens of the disease. This then stimulates your immune system leading to increased production of antibodies (white blood cells) that are designed to fight off the infection. This means that if you’re ever exposed to new bacteria or viruses, your defence system will have you protected!

Preferably, you should get vaccinated three weeks prior to your trip, other vaccinations will require more time. This ensures that your body has time to produce all the antibodies needed to remain protected.

If you have any questions please contact us here or book your vaccines today!